Section B: Investigating Media industries & audiences.

.Define the relevvant key terms


.Convergence-The merging of mass communication outlets.- game apps


.Global Implications- The conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.


.High Concept Films- Having a striking and easily communicable idea.


.Media Conglomerates- A company that owns numerous companies involved in Mass Media enterprises.


.Vertical Integration- The combination in one firm of two or more stages of production normally operated by separate firms.


.Horrizontal Intergration- A merger or takeover between two or more companies with the same business activities.


.Distribution- The action of sharing something out among a number of recipients.


.Exhibition- A display or demonstration of a skill


.Classification- The action or process of classifying something


.Synergy-  when one media promotes another, for example when a song is played in the backround

Advertising and Marketing

Component one section A


1.Who advertises and why

-Markers of consumableproducts, for example beauty

-Charities:to raise awareness and encourage donations

-Government Departments for example health to raise awareness about issues, for example smoking.

-Organising of events for example 2012 olympics

-Educational establishments:to persuade people to go tere for there studies they pruduce a prospectus and additionsl promotional material similar to flyers.

-The media themselvespromote there products through film posters, CD covers etc.


2. Define the following key terms in a sentance:Brand, Brand Identity, Consumable products, Advertising Campaign, Hard Sell.


-Brand: That which identifies one companys products from those of another. The branding may be clearly identifiable by a name, logo or some other trade mark, for example the font style used by kellogsor the nike swoosh.

-Brand Identity: The image that a brand projects and the associations the audience makes with the brand, for example the brand Nike suggests good quality sports clothing that is also fashionable as leisure wear.

-Consumable Products: These are the products that we use regulary and that need to be replaced. Some audiences are loyal to a particular brand, whereas others may be persuaded to change as a result of successful marketing device.

-Advertising Campaign: Usally run by an advertising agency, a campaign incorporates all of thee ways in which a product, event or service is promoted to the audience, for example the pakaging, television, print and online adverts.

-Hard sell: This is ‘in your face’ advertisement. These adverts are usally short, loud and employ a direct mode of adres, they give clear information about the product.


3. How do advertisements use Media Language?


-Establishing the genre:for example some of the codes and conventions used in charity adverts.

-visual codes:Including clothing, gesture, expression and colour, which communicate messages which are being sold

-a slogan: A catchy phrase which people ramember

-language of persuation: Adverts will often use hyperbole and emotive writtenand spoken language to engage the audience.

-a narrative : Many up marer products will be promoted through audio visualadverts that are very cinematic.

-soft sell techniques:where by the audience are sold a lifestyle, the product is often not the main focus of the advert and may only appear briefly as an iconic representation.


4.What are the repertoire of elements used in print adverts?

-Layout and design

-Central Image

-Typography and graphics

-visual codes


-print technical codes, camera angles, shots, lighting, editing

-Language and mode of address: how does the advert ‘speak’ to the audience

Attitudes and beliefs



5. What are the repertoire of elements (conventions) of Charity adertisements.

-A name for the campaign to differentiate it from the focus of other campaigns from the same charity

-Audio codes

-Recognisable songs with pertinent lyrics

-A dramatic soundtrack that may rise to a crescendo as the advert urges the audience to act.

-The use of non-diegetic voice–over , often with a tone of authority

-Personalised narrative

-Technical codes

-A typical convention of close up shots combined with the visual code of expression and a direct mode of address.








-social media


-Dominent ideology



chav stereotype



-man bag


Stuat hall- Encoding and Decoding

Encoding-The messages and ideas that are packaged into a media text by the producers of that text

Decoding-The ways in which any audience ‘unpackages’ or reads meaning into that text influenced by a range of factors.


Key Term- Positioning

first person, third person


-Came up with a model suggesting three ways in which we may read a media text




-Stuart Hall is a cultural theorist and Professor of Sociology at Open University

-Came up with a model suggesting three ways in which we may read a media text


Learning Point

-Different audiences respond to representation in defferent ways for different reasons







Image result for gold finger poster

James bond

Preffured Reading

‘everything he touches turns to excitement’



Context-the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.


Representation-the action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone or the state of being so represented


Steretypes-a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing


Encode-convert into a coded form.


Decode-convert (a coded message) into an understandable language


Meditation-the action or practice of meditating

Film sound, Theory, and Techniques

Task 1


-Involves a beat or a pulse

-match the pace of the music to the scene for the right effect

-change of rhythm may change expectations

-speeches and sound effects include rhythm



-The extent to which sound is faithful to the source as we see it, for example if a film shows a gun firing, the audience expects to see the gun firing.

-difference between the image and sound is a lack of fidelity, which can make the viewer feel as if they are taken out of the scene or dissorientated.


Contrapuntal and Parallel 

-Parallel-The sound we hear should usally connect with the images on the screen, for example in a horror movie there may be suspence music with fast movements.

-Contrapuntal-sounds that dont connect with the events on the screen



-synchronise-Hearing the sound at the same time of the source producing the sound

-dialogge is normally synchrosnised

-Asynchronise-when images and sounds are out of sink


Diagetic and Non-diagetic

-Diagetic-If the sound is the Character or object in the story space of film

-Non Diagetic in the form of music



-dramatic impact

-change of volume is important


Task 2

Non diagetic:horror, sad, romantic

Diagetic: Soaps, Drama,TV series


Task 3


Non Diagetic




Task 4


Related image

These are two print designs which both look similar to an extent, and imply that it is targgeted at a younger audience because of the layout and colours that are chosen. The left advert shows purple as a very bold colour that stands out and suggests that that advertisment or products is creative. Whereas the advert on the rights shows Orange  as the main colour which is often seen relatabe to being friendly, cheerful and confident.


Task 5


There are many examples of how the advertisement comes across to the audience through the layout and colours. Both two adverts show the colour red as a bold statement, which is seen as a dark, negative colour, this suggests that the programme may be revolved around death or darkness. Further more the colours that are used






Camera shots, angles and movements

Two shot-refers to the number of characters in the frame-Harry Potter


Extreme Wide shot- Harry Potter


Point of view shot


What effect does the position have on the audience


-make you feel tence



-makes you feel part of it

-dramatic irony


Pan-side to side

Tilt-tilting up and down

Zoom-making the audience focus on a specific part



Zoom Shots-The incredible hulk and Jaws

change the position of the audience very quikely


-trombone shot

-birds eye view

-worms eye view

-Medium angle

-High angle

-Low angle

-Birds eye view

-hand held

-found footage

Image result for birdseye viewImage result for worms eye viewImage result for high angle shotImage result for low angle shotImage result for medium angle in film

Sequence shot- where it lets the scene playout and is a long running shot that usally runs over a minnute.


The cut- A transition from the end of one shot to the begining of another


Dissolve- where one shot slowly fades into another


Wipe-Where the second shot rolls over the first shot


screen direction-consistant direction of movement between shots


match on action-lets movement carry from one shot too another


eye line- shows you where the actor is looking at and what there looking at.


crossing the axis-showed in different angles but you can tell what is happening


establishing shot-shows where the scene takes place


master shot- shows the entire scene


reverse angle-opposite side of the first angle


shot reverse shot-a master shot then a close up then a reverse to a close up


cross cutting-jump from one scene to another to show what there soing at the same place


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Course Over view Year 1

-two distinct examamination components at AS and A leavel 70%

-Oppurtunity to engage in practical production work-30%

-AS and A levle designed to be co-taught


1-Media products

2-Media forms and products in depth

3-Cross Media Productions



-Media Language


-Media Industries
