The dominant preffered reading always comes from the target audience


Encoding=Beliefs, values, ideas, visual codes, know their audience, colur, setting, text

Decoding=Audience, Halls reception theory, responce, Demographics,




Social class

Sexual Orientation


Experiences, culture, religion

Fearful people are more dependant, more easily manipulated and controlled , more susceptible to deceptively simple, strong, tough measures and hard-line postures…They may accept and even welcome repression if it promises to relieve their insecurities -George Gerbner


Repression-cutting something out of you life, lack something





Cultivation Theory, george gerbner

The idea that exposure to repeated patterns of representation over long periods of time can shape and influence the way in which people perceive the world around (i.e. cultivating particular views and opinions)

-The idea that cultivation reinforces mainstream values (dominant ideologies).


Opinion Leader-Those in positions of power who aim to persuade an audience of their point of view. For example, these may be the editors of newspapers.


Give an example of how the Daily Mirror could be said to be an opinion leader.p.105

The Daily mirror is the leftwing of tabloid, and could be said to be an opinion leader, they show their oppinions on the front cover of there newspaper like on the trump story which could influence the audiences perspective on the issue.


Power and media industries curran and seaton


The idea that the media is controlld by a small number of companies primarily driven by the logic of profit and power. Think Trump, Murdoch, Zuckerberg

.The idea that media concentration generally limits or inhibits variety , creativity and quality.

.The idea that more socially diverse patterns of ownership help to create the conditions for more varied and adventurous media and productions.


Power and media industries-curran and seaton The trinity group have maintained their position in the UK market despite falling sales of the Daily Mirror and other mainstream titles by diversifying in regional news. This diverse pattern of ownership has allowed them to create the conditions for more varied and adventurous media products.

1.Component 1 Section A & B – Newspapers (set text: The Daily Mirror)

  1. Oliopoly:small number of powerful companies who control large portion of market.
  2. Corporations: big parent companies
  3. Conglomerations.:parent com

Threshold: the bigger the story the more likely it is to get onto the news agenda.

Negativity: bad news is more exciting and interesting than good news

Unexpectedness: an event that is a shock or out of the ordinary, for example the london terrorist attack in 2017. An event like this will push other news stories off the agender and changes to the front page may be made at the last minnute.

Unambiguity: events that are easy to report and are not complex will be higher up the agender of some newspapers. Modern wars are often difficult to report and are avoided by tabloid newspapers unless they involve personalities or can be graphically represented.

Personalisation: news stories that have a human interest angle are more likely to appear in some newspapers. Readers are interested in celebrities, and stories have more meaning if they were personalized.

Proximity:the closer to home the story is , the more interested the reader. Tabloid and local newspapers tend to be more ethnocentric than quality newspapers.

Elite nations/people: stories about important people and powerful nations, for example the USA, will be higher up the adender.

Continity/currency: stories that are already in the news continue to run and are updated as new aspects to the story appear, for example brexit and Donald Trump presidency.


Who reads the daily mirror- lower classes, over 35, C2DF

How do newspapers like the DM, Target, Attract and reach readers?

How have the producers of the DM used a range of platforms to reach a broad audience?

What are the advantages of a newspaper website for readers?

what affects the way in which a reader might respond to the stories covered in the newspaper?



The daily mirrors target audience are predominantly, over 35 and are working class labour supporters, liberal.

Component 1 Sections A & B – Newspapers SET TEXT: THE DAILY MIRROR





















1-BBC 1







Main formats of Newspapers

Tabloid and Broadsheet



sensational headlines

informal style

easier vocabulary

larger print


The Broadsheet-

informative headlines

larger paragraphs

extensive vocabulary

complex sentences


The Sun-Tabloid, right-wing

The Daily Mirror-Tabloid, left-wing

The daily Express-Tabloid, right wing

Daily Star-Tabloid,

The Guardian-Broadsheet, left wing

The Daily Telegraph-Broadsheet,

Morning Star-Tabloid,

The Times-Broadsheet,

The Telegraph-right wing

The Times-right wing

Financial Times-central

The Observer-left wing


The British Press-

-run by a small number of right wing moguls e.g. Rupert Murdoch

-they will defend the status quo of which they are part of

-using media to manipulate in order to maintain their position of power/wealth


Newspapers, like any media text, have an agender. Most are associated with political perspectives and ideology, as well as specific political parties.


Left Wing Politics-


-progressive values



-civil rights







Right-wing politics


-traditional values



-‘outdated’ values


-hierarchy far right -wing politics=racism/racism (Nazism, KKK etc.)



industry:who owns the press (patterns of ownership)

Which corporation owns the majority of news and print media platforms?

News Corporations

Rupert Murdoch

Name 2 other newspapers owned by News Corp

The Sun

The Times

Who owns the Daily Mirror?

Trinity Mirror



Component 2-investigating media forms and products.

set text-life on mars

Gender is represented by:


-The women sees to be dominating the man

-The topic of conversation is the husband, which shows the male is the main attention

-The women is presented very glamorous, and beautiful



‘Women in lower class and poor groups, particularly those who are non-white, would not have defined women’s liberation as women gaining social equality with men since they are continually reminded in their everyday lives that all women do not share a common social status’


How is the patriarchal oppression and ideology of domination’ evident in ‘life on mars’?


Patriarchal oppression and ideology of domination is shown in many way in in ‘the life of mars’, for example in one of the scenes, a male character within the film says to ‘Annie Cartwright’, ‘trot along now, sweetheart’, which indicates that the male character is dismissing the women in a slightly dominant way. Further more the attitudes of the male policemen , especially Ray and Chris (comment particularly on language used e.g. ‘bird’, ‘skirt’) to women and other men


annie supports bell hooks argument




Equilibrium-Sam Tyler in present day. DCI. Girlfriend Maya-relationship problems. Busy, normal, rat race.


Disruption-Maya’s abduction, the accident; awakens in 1972


Recognition-what year is this?


Resolution-Attempts to resolve the disequilibrium-murder investigation, meeting with Neil and rooftop.


Equilibrium-is there closure? revelation and arrest of killer at end.





new man/Chauvinist

psychology/Hard evidence




Hyde/Hunt’s Manchester

bigotry/Political correctness



new policing/old policing


forensic/gut instinct





Stock Characters- The basic character types that you would conventionally expect to find in a certain kind of media product. go–to characters you would expect from a particular genre.e.g- horror:horror:victim, group of young people etc, crime-crime solver, victim



A flagship show is something you associate with that particular channel, e.g-bbc=doctor who, therefore doctor who is a flagship

‘Life on Mars’ contains many intertextual elements with which audiences may be familiar. These include:

.music soundtrack (the title comes from David Bowie’s ‘life on mars’)


The title of the show is a reference to the ‘David Bowie song Life on Mars’, which is also playing on an iPod when Sam is hit by the car. The song continues playing when he arrives in 1973, now on an eight-track tape player.


Steve Neale, repition and difference– Neales theory is useful as it highlights

-Dynamic and historical nature of genre

-Emphasises ecenomic and institutional contexts in which genres as produced.


Genre’s necassitate a ‘degree of repition or sameness’.

They are also marked by ‘difference, variation and change’


old and new

science fiction


he knows how its going to end

traditional partnership cop


What is a flexi narrative

-A narrative structure that combines aspects of the series and the serial. for example, while each episode may feature a self-contained narrative, character relationships may develop over the course of several episodes forming a broader story arc.


which characters is an audience surrogate?sam tyler


Which character would you consider being point of identificationq



Component 2: Investigating Media Forms and Products.

Set text life on Mars, Television Industry.


1920- BBC Radio was created-Started broadcasting out to different cities

Thirty-three year old John Charles Walsham Reith became General Manager of the BBC on 14 December 1922.


1930-The birth of television

.First sports broadcasts


1940’s- BBC at War


1950’s-The age of Television


1960’s-Colour TV


1970’s-Classic Comedy


1980’s-World Conflict


1990’s-Princess Diana

1997 princess Diana Death


2000’s-The Digital Revolution

Educate inform entertain-Public service broadcasting rules

BBC is funded by tv tax through liscence fee


Commissioning-outbidding shows, for example channel 4 set a higher price then itv, for great British Bake off, from BBC iplayer.

Narrawcasting-(opposite of broadcasting e.g. specialised shows-the god channel for religios people)

Multi-Channel era-(present day)





Explain how producers of video games target audiences. Refer to Assassin’s Creed 111: Liberation to support your points. [8 Marks]

In Assassins Creed 111 the producers are targeting women with this game, as it shows that instead of the stereotypical male character, they have created the main character to be a female, which will appeal to women more then men. This attracts an audience of female as it is implying that it is not just men that can play games, and by having a lady as the main attraction, is showing that it is a mixed gender game.


Identify two ways in which media organisations categorise audiences. [2 Marks]

