Component 2-investigating media forms and products.

set text-life on mars

Gender is represented by:


-The women sees to be dominating the man

-The topic of conversation is the husband, which shows the male is the main attention

-The women is presented very glamorous, and beautiful



‘Women in lower class and poor groups, particularly those who are non-white, would not have defined women’s liberation as women gaining social equality with men since they are continually reminded in their everyday lives that all women do not share a common social status’


How is the patriarchal oppression and ideology of domination’ evident in ‘life on mars’?


Patriarchal oppression and ideology of domination is shown in many way in in ‘the life of mars’, for example in one of the scenes, a male character within the film says to ‘Annie Cartwright’, ‘trot along now, sweetheart’, which indicates that the male character is dismissing the women in a slightly dominant way. Further more the attitudes of the male policemen , especially Ray and Chris (comment particularly on language used e.g. ‘bird’, ‘skirt’) to women and other men


annie supports bell hooks argument



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