Camera shots, angles and movements

Two shot-refers to the number of characters in the frame-Harry Potter


Extreme Wide shot- Harry Potter


Point of view shot


What effect does the position have on the audience


-make you feel tence



-makes you feel part of it

-dramatic irony


Pan-side to side

Tilt-tilting up and down

Zoom-making the audience focus on a specific part



Zoom Shots-The incredible hulk and Jaws

change the position of the audience very quikely


-trombone shot

-birds eye view

-worms eye view

-Medium angle

-High angle

-Low angle

-Birds eye view

-hand held

-found footage

Image result for birdseye viewImage result for worms eye viewImage result for high angle shotImage result for low angle shotImage result for medium angle in film

Sequence shot- where it lets the scene playout and is a long running shot that usally runs over a minnute.


The cut- A transition from the end of one shot to the begining of another


Dissolve- where one shot slowly fades into another


Wipe-Where the second shot rolls over the first shot


screen direction-consistant direction of movement between shots


match on action-lets movement carry from one shot too another


eye line- shows you where the actor is looking at and what there looking at.


crossing the axis-showed in different angles but you can tell what is happening


establishing shot-shows where the scene takes place


master shot- shows the entire scene


reverse angle-opposite side of the first angle


shot reverse shot-a master shot then a close up then a reverse to a close up


cross cutting-jump from one scene to another to show what there soing at the same place


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